Class Summary |
AutoCache |
This cache implementation uses soft references so that cached objects are
automatically garbage collected when needed. |
CacheConfiguration |
A class that contains the configuration information to be fed in to a new CacheFactory . |
CacheConfigurationManager |
CacheConfigurationManager holds a static CacheConfiguration for use
throughout a system. |
CacheFactory |
A convenient generator of multicast caches using an underlying LRU or Automatic algorithm. |
CacheNotification |
The actual object that gets sent to the cluster to indicate that an object
needs to be cleared from the cache. |
CacheTest |
Test cache app. |
CacheTest.FinalizerString |
A String that outputs to STDOUT when it has been finalized. |
CacheTest.LoadTester |
Communicator |
Abstract class that handles the communications for SwarmCache. |
HybridCache |
A hybrid cache solution that uses a (presumably small) LRU cache backed by a larger AutoCache. |
JavaGroupsCommunicator |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA. |
LRUCache |
Cache implementation that uses the Least Recently Used algorithm. |
MultiCache |
A wrapper cache type that notifies the multicast cache manager. |
MultiCacheManager |
Manages the communications between other cache managers. |
TimerCache |
Cache implementation that times out cached elements. |
UnboundedLRUMap |
An LRUMap that allows an unbounded size. |